Café da Tarde

Directed by
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Between words in letters two friends miss each other.

Isis Caroline is a Brazilian director, currently based in Berlin. Café da Tarde is a visual poetry that reaches over the distance between friends, friends who slip by in time. A time when answering machines fill up with messages; each other's voices never heard.

Through simple imagery we are reminded of what friendship settings look like: safe, warm and ultimately, creative.

Isis Caroline 'The simple act of having a coffee together can be easily underestimated, forgotten. When I moved out to another country the most ordinary things were the ones I missed the most, I would spend hours pushing my mind to remember every smell, every touch, every simple thing that would remind me of my friends. This short film is for them, so they can know I have not forgotten, I keep remembering myself.'


Actor: Isabela da costa - @dacosta_isabela

Words by Júlia Leite @jupetti and Isis Caroline @carol.isis

Shot/Directed by Isis Caroline @carol.isis