A Television Broadcast From Outer Space

Directed by
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Earth receives a broadcast from an alternate earth, showcasing random fragments of day-time television that aired on the day their world ended.

Mo and Steph's Television Broadcast From Outer Space invites viewers to watch an unexpected broadcast received from an ‘alternate earth’ that has recently perished in a climate disaster; an enigmatic TV presenter 'Awesome Welles' shows what was broadcast on television during the alternate Earth's final day. Before premiering what could potentially be harrowing footage of a planet in distress, he asks the audience to consider how we can learn from their mistakes. The cigar smoking host cues the tape - a small jitter of interference then plunges the audience a mix of 1940s melodrama, oddball adverts and a game show called Spin the Wheel which is quickly disrupted by an emergency weather warning.

Two environmental activists manage to hack the network, pleading for radical change, but they’re cut off before they can finish. What follows is painfully familiar - a channel flick through a void of absurdly meaningless TV shows and commercials, showcasing their frenzied culture and perpetual disregard for pressing environmental issues. Eventually, the tape runs out...and Awesome Welles thanks his sponsor.

The directors Steph Leigh and Mo Bayliss took care to have a fully environmental production sourcing second hand props, sets and costumes, recycling food waste and avoiding any single use plastic.

Leigh and Bayliss further add: I suppose the real meat and potatoes of this chaotic story stems from climate change being an issue we care deeply about and we don't feel like there's enough content that challenges society’s relationship to environmental issues. It's laughable how blatantly it is pushed aside; Piers Morgan is spitting out vegan sausage rolls when the planet is literally on fire, and as a couple of film and TV fanatics, we love to dissect the absurdity of pop-culture. Consumerism is also a big part of our critique, but more broadly, how capitalism has created a disconnect between us as humans and our own planet. Though, we must add, these social commentaries are shrouded in silliness. Everyone already knows the world is fucked, so we're not wagging our fingers at anyone. After all, we can criticise society, but we're all members of it. Besides, it’s been a weird few years so sometimes you just need to laugh. Through making this BFI funded short film, we simply wanted to explore this crazy world we live in through the lens of comedy and absurdism.


Mo Bayliss and Steph Leigh (writer/director/actors) IG - @moxsteph

Mikel Iriarte (producer) IG - @mrmikel91