Safe Home

Directed by
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Walking home after a night out, Jen is forced to call for a drone to accompany her home

Set in a dystopian future, not too far away from the world we live in now. We go on a journey with Jen a headstrong young women who is just trying to get home after a night out with friends. She doesn’t like the way technology has taken over our lives and is dead against using the new app that everyone is talking about -SAFE HOME: “A drone to walk you home.” But Jen’s walk home becomes more and more uncomfortable as she’s faced with dark streets, groups of boys and an unsettling encounter with a lone police officer. She finds herself with no option but to download SAFE HOME. Will get home safely with the help of something designed to protect her?

Safe Home was filmed using a real drone and a really brave actress and directed by Holly Jack who was inspired by events that followed the murder of Sarah Everard, a woman killed by a serving police officer. 'There was anger and fear and I was no exception. A betrayal by someone we are supposed to inherently trust, whose job is to protect, turned dry stomach. Safe Home is a response to that. Written, directed, produced and shot by an amazing team of women. It is an outcry to the fact that we are not safe on our streets, in our homes or online.


Writer/director Holly Jack - @hollyjackinstagram
Producers - Smashing Pictures @smashingpictures
DOP - Nelisa Alcalde @nelisaalcalde